The Catalyst Publicity Group has teamed up with the Keep A Breast Foundation, a nonprofit breast cancer organization, to bring you Yuletides & Stage Dives, a forty-track charity mixtape. The collection contains a healthy mix of original Christmas tunes, songs you might already be familiar with, and some unreleased gems as well. Yuletides & Stage Dives is only available from December 5th to December 28th, so you need to act fast if you want to download some cool tunes for a great cause.
To help them get the word out, we're highlighting six of the acts and their songs this week. We'll be asking them about the song they donated to the cause, what drew them to the project, and their favorite holiday songs.
Here's David Elliott from Holly Would... with their song, "xjulietx:"

"xjulietx" is a song from our recently released debut album If Word Got Out... The song is about love, betrayal, internal struggle, and standing for what you believe in. It shows that there is beauty in destruction and chaos and if you believe in something, you stand by it no matter what the consequence.
What drew you to this project?
When we were approached about being a part of this compilation, we were all very excited. We have been strong patrons of the Keep A Breast organization for quite some time. For me personally, breast cancer has impacted my life very heavily. It runs in my family, and I have lost several loved ones after hard fought battles against it. To me, finding a cure for this plight is a cause worth rallying behind.
What's your all-time favorite holiday song and why?
"You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch" is definitely our favorite holiday song. The overall chord progression and tone of the song is, for lack of better words, "mean" and gritty, which is right up our alley. Also, Dr. Seuss is a genius, and the metaphors, synonyms, and rhymes he uses, especially in this song, are some of the best. The song and the animated cartoon of How the Grinch Stole Christmas have truly withstood the test of time. We all remember watching it and singing along as kids, and can fully expect our kids will be doing the same one day.
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