Matt Rhoades, who along with Sarah Graziani make up Young London, was nice enough to answer our Seven Questions In Heaven.

Our music is definitely pop. Some have told us it has a '90s throwback feel which is awesome. Overall, our music is feel good electro pop for everyone who feels sassy.
Who are your musical influences and idols?
I am influenced by a lot of euro dance. Cascada really got me into pop in general a while back. My idol would have to be someone like Dr. Luke who has produced some of the catchiest pop songs ever. Sarah is really into Regina Spektor and a lot of singer-songwriter stuff. She is classically trained on the piano, so I think her inspirations are pretty intense, ha ha.
What was the first album, cassette, or CD you bought with your own money?
The first CD I bought on my own was Green Day's Insomniac. Total game changer. Except I had to listen in secret due to the excessive swearing.
You were recently on the cover of The Boston Phoenix and were named one of Boston's Best New Bands. Is there a Boston "sound?" What's the Boston music scene like?
Boston is, in my opinion, one of the "hippest" cities in the country for underground music. There is definitely a Boston rock and roll sound. There are a lot of amazing punk and hardcore band from the area, so the pop scene may not be thriving. However, there are a ton of indie dance nights, where kids just want to party, so that is where we currently fit in!

Your song "Whipped" deals with a guy who is totally controlled by his girlfriend. Have either of you been in a relationship like this?
That song may or may not be about a friend of mine. I think its a situation we have all encountered, be it someone we know, or our own thing. I would advise anyone in a similar situation to bail out as fast as possible.
Tell us about your live show. Do you perform with a backing band? Any unique preshow rituals? Do you throw in any cover songs?
Our live show is crazy. We have a backing band that is incredible along with tons of lasers and lights. Sometimes I get scared people may have a seizure if they are too close.
I have never told anyone this, but our preshow ritual involves a countdown chant ending with us all whispering "young money."
We always play remixes and covers live. Our show is fun, and we want people who may have never heard our own music to be able to sing along still.
Finally, do you want to be a Celebrity?
Honestly, I'm not so sure. I wouldn't enjoy people following me around with cameras at all. But I would love to be able to eat lunch with Jay-Z and Beyonce. Maybe like our song says, just for one night.
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