I cannot even begin to tell you the ways that I was charmed by Dinner For Schmucks. To me, it was the perfect balance of hilarity (Jemaine Clement as freaky-silly conceptual artist Kieran Vollard; Zach Galafianakis as Therman Murch) and tenderness (Steve Carell's goofy-lovable Barry Speck). The closing vignette where Barry does the evolution of man is worth the price of admission alone. You can find Dinner For Schmucks on Amazon for less than ten dollars.
Recommended By: Jett Superior

See the Swedish book hit with the original Swedish cast before you watch the Fincher version. Noomi Rapace is stellar as Lisbeth Salander.
Recommended By: Archphoenix

This set has every episode of the five seasons of one of the best sketch comedy shows ever. Plus, it also contains the 2010 miniseries, "Death Comes To Town."
Recommended By: Chris

I make it no secret that I love me some kitsch, but this pick may come as some surprise to you: Reefer Madness. One of the most on-point Christmas stockings I ever got from my husband contained this DVD. After the kids went to bed that Christmas night, we sat and laughed hysterically over the thing. It's one of those so-bad-it's-good sort of endeavors, and it has a wholesome, completely true message: Don't smoke weed, brothers and sisters. You'll destroy your whole life. Or, you know, you'll convert your favorite bong to a flower vase and raise some kids like we're doing. You can pick this one up for less than ten bucks at Amazon. The case graphics alone are worth five of those dollars.
Recommended By: Jett Superior

My favorite part of Christmas gifting is the stockings, and every year the people I stuff stockings for get a DVD or CD, but usually both. When I'm picking DVDs, it's typically with an eye toward family viewing on Christmas Day. We caught Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes as a family at the drive-in when my oldest son was home on leave; I went in excited because I was a BIG fan of the original movies when I was a kid, but not expecting much so as not to be dashed. You know what? I loved it and my husband, who's not a huge movie fan, has remarked on how much he enjoyed it at least twice since then. It drops in a few days, so I'll run by our local retail monster store and snag it for him.
Recommended By: Jett Superior

This is the NC-17 cut of the infamous pile of hot mess that is Showgirls. It comes with a shot glass and info on a drinking game, a "pin the pasties on the showgirl" game, and various other party games. The best part? There's a DVD commentary track by a guy who hosts late night screenings of the film that is snarktastic. Seriously, he's amazing.
Recommended By: Archphoenix

It's only ten episodes, but it's ten episodes of the best comedy on television!
Recommended By: Chris