Why you give away an autographed copy of the EP, that's what you do!
You may remember we spoke to Get Scared while they slogged their way across America performing for enthusiastic audiences night after night. Well, now we have a chance for you to win the music they are out there playing to the masses. Their self-titled EP, Get Scared, contains three face-melting songs that you, the reader, can get your hands on with just a few simple steps.
Even better than getting something touched and signed by the magic fingers of the gods of rock is understanding what you, the fans need to do in order to possess it.
After losing the battle over my idea to have each participant enter Thunderdome and battle to the death, the more level heads here at Culture Brats prevailed and laid out the rules for this contest/giveaway.
1. Sign up for our email newsletter.
2. That's it.
Seriously. We're not going to make you jump through hoops. Just sign up for our newsletter and you'll be eligible to win the autographed Get Scared EP. We'll announce the winner on March 29, 2011.
Should you find yourself unable to participate due the the crushing disappointment of not being able to wear chainmail and beat worthy opponents while Mad Max watches, you can write me an email and we can commiserate together.
While you're waiting to see if you're the big winner, you can check out the band on Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, and Twitter.