Let's see if I can wrap this up in a neat little package.
The song needs to be exclusively used by either the Hellcats or the Cyclones so Alice goes to find the band and so does Nasty Cathy. Which ends up in them having a cheer off for the band. Only no one followed the rules and all the cheerleaders wore underwear, even Alice and because of that, the band fell asleep after they all got high to watch the cheer off. I'm kind of tired of all of these little competitions. But what I am not tired of is the sexy cheer time and this part of the episode was full of it. Except they all had underwear on. In the end both, squads tell the band to get off the high horse they rode in on, or in this case, the unicorn they road in on and neither use the annoying song.

Savannah discovers that Charlotte the Harlot's baby father is Noah, Savannah's ex-boyfriend, and they plan on getting married and living happily ever after. Until Savanna confronts Noah who confesses to Savannah that she is actually the Christian sister he really wants to bang but will do right by Charlotte the Harlot. Savannah only has to say the words. "Please go ruin my sister's life a little more with my blessing." Of course she does no such thing and tells Charlotte The Harlot that she is not all that and that she better dump Noah. Pronto. And she does.

And that is all, until Tuesday April 19th when the show returns with all new episodes. I think I am on season three now. It's either that or this is the longest season on the face of the planet. So far we are seventeen episodes down. Seventeen!