There were a number of '80s songs covered in the '90s, some pretty good, some pretty awful, but the Manson version of "Sweet Dreams" really creeps me out. It's like Satan took a puppy and said "Hey cute little puppy, want some nightmares? Listen to this song while I eat this baby unicorn!"
Just for the record, things that creep me out: spiders, eyeballs, this cover.
If you haven't heard it, here you go:
And before you ask, there are a few Manson songs that I do like, so it's not just a Marilyn Manson dislike.
Because I don't want to end on a totally skeevy note, here's a cover that I don't hate. Though I did die a little on the inside one day when I was at work and a co-worker of mine, who was a young college kid, didn't know that it was a Michael Jackson song and argued with me that it was an original Alien Ant Farm song till I proved it. Kids. *sigh*