Today we're spending Seven Questions In Heaven with Skittish's singer/songwriter/bandleader Jeff Noller!
Describe your music for our readers who may not be familiar with you.
Folk-rock, with thorns. Arcade Fire indie sensibilities with a literary writing style and a flair for the dramatic.
Who are your musical influences and idols?
Beatles, Radiohead, Bright Eyes, Trent Reznor, Paul Simon.
What was the first album, cassette, or CD you bought with your own money?
I think it was a Nirvana bootleg CD from Germany. Live performances and unreleased stuff. It was in a dingy little independant record shop in a strip mall. There's no replacing the feeling, smell, and sounds in those kinds of places. The iTunes store doesn't have quite the same vibe.
What was the strangest gig you've ever played?
A street fair in San Diego. I remember looking out from behind the microphone at one point and seeing a giraffe walk by. I've played plenty of venues, but rarely do you see a giraffe while playing.
What is your current favorite guilty pleasure?
The TV show Rick And Morty. Its great, but hours of watching a cartoon instead of doing something productive brings the guilt.
If they named an ice cream flavor after you, what would be the name and why?
SexyLexy. For when you want to go out and try to meet that special someone, but your social anxiety won't allow it. Its mostly made of whiskey and Lexapro, with a few Altoids sprinkled in for fresh breath.
Final question: You're the opening act of a music festival. You can get any five artists, living or dead, to perform on the bill with you. Which five do you choose and what song do you all perform as the final jam?
Johnny Cash, The Doors, The Smiths, Radiohead, and The Beatles. After Jim Morrison passes out backstage in a drunken stupor and Morrissey storms off in a huff about some trumped-up travesty, the rest of us would gather on stage to sing "All You Need Is Love" with John Lennon in the middle.
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