SHEL are sisters Sarah, Hannah, Eva, and Liza Holbrook. They were nice enough to spend Seven Questions In Heaven with us!
Describe your music for our readers who may not be familiar with you.
Eva: Our music is a journey, an exploration of moving sounds, so you hear classical and cinematic influences mixed with beatboxing, fiddle solos, raging drums, and thrashing mandolin. Since we all sing, four-part harmony is a big part of our sound as well.
Who are your musical influences and idols?
SHEL: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Harry Nilsson, Bach, Chopin, Florence and the Machine, The Eurythmics, The Who, Imogene Heap, The Police.
What was the first album, cassette, or CD you bought with your own money?
Eva: The Police, Greatest Hits.
What was the strangest gig you've ever played?
Sarah: Our very first gig as young kids was a performance on vacuum cleaner pipes. Nothing's topped that for strange:) But the most nerve wracking is to play one of your songs while the bride walks down the aisle. You only get one shot. Talk about pressure!
What's the first thing you look for when you hit a new town?
Liza: A good spot for fresh fish tacos and a good drink.
What is your current favorite guilty pleasure?
Liza: "Don't Tell Em" by Jeremih. Also Oreos.
If they named an ice cream flavor after you, what would be the name and why?
Hannah: This actually happened! An ice cream shop created a flavor to match our song "The Latest and Greatest Blueberry Rubber Band." It was blueberry flavored with blueberry licorice. I didn't even get to taste it because it sold out so fast! If we did it again, I'd pick some sort of vanilla/strawberry cheesecake/cotton candy flavor to match our song, "The Man Who Was The Circus."
Final question: You're the opening act of a music festival. You can get any five artists, living or dead, to perform on the bill with you. Which five do you choose and what song do you all perform as the final jam?
Hannah: Best question EVER! The Beatles, Sting, Ennio Morricone conducting the Boston Pops, Imogen Heap with her awesome vocalizing keytar, and John Mayer. And we'd jam out on Led Zeppelin's "When The Levee Breaks."
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