Today we're spending Seven Questions In Heaven with Born Cages' singer/guitarist Vlad Holiday!
Describe your music for our readers who may not be familiar with you.
Synthy indie/alternative pop with guitar solos and lazy vocals
Who are your musical influences and idols?
I've always loved me some Dylan & Springsteen. And I also kinda secretly wanna be Lykke Li or Emily Haines.
What was the first album, cassette, or CD you bought with your own money?
The Strokes' Is This It, CD. My earliest memory of a cassette was Elvis Presley. It was my grandma's and she let me borrow it.
What was the strangest gig you've ever played?
We played in Tulsa, OK this past tour. Great show actually, but after we loaded out, the whole venue converted into a private "freak show" where people dressed in S&M outfits There were a lot of leashes and people pretending to be pets. Definitely going back soon.
What is your current favorite guilty pleasure?
Taco Bell. We ate it so much on tour because we're part of this program called Feed The Beat that lets us eat there for free.
If they named an ice cream flavor after you, what would be the name and why?
Rolling Down the Vanill. Because we have this song... eh never mind.
Final question: You're the opening act of a music festival. You can get any five artists, living or dead, to perform on the bill with you. Which five do you choose and what song do you all perform as the final jam?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoveen, Johaan Sebastian Bach, Fryderyk Chopin, and of course Antonio Vivaldi. We'd probably jam on a Kanye West cover or something.
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