Today we're spending Seven Questions In Heaven with Chloe Baker from bitter's kiss!
Describe your music for our readers who may not be familiar with you.
Stripped down indie pop, with the music intended to accompany a melodic diary of my personal thoughts and feelings. I mostly try to keep things simple in order to convey meaning in the words.
Who are your musical influences and idols?
My tastes are all over the map. Right now I am listening to Regina Spektor, but in my house we go from Grateful Dead to Springsteen to The Smiths to Rihanna, Paul McCartney and Kanye West.
What was the first album, cassette, or CD you bought with your own money?
Dixie Chicks' Taking The Long Way.
What was the strangest gig you've ever played?
Preparing to sing "Friend Of The Devil" at an open mic night that turned out to be at a friend's church.
What is your current favorite guilty pleasure?
Late night ice cream.
If they named an ice cream flavor after you, what would be the name and why?
Hmm, Chaotic Chocolate something. I think it would have to be something blended for sure, as I have a hard time settling on one flavor.
Final question: You're the opening act of a music festival. You can get any five artists, living or dead, to perform on the bill with you. Which five do you choose and what song do you all perform as the final jam?
Aretha Franklin, John Lennon, Sarah McLachlan, Beyonce (just because) and Sprinsteen and we do "House Of The Rising Sun.
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