Today we're spending Seven Questions In Heaven with Oh Honey's Danielle Bouchard and Mitchy Collins.
Describe your music for our readers who may not be familiar with you.
Danielle and Mitchy: Our songs are upbeat, positive, feel-good, while still remaining super honest. Driving down the highway with the windows open kinda vibes. Folk-pop, if we're gonna give it a genre.
Who are your musical influences and idols?
Danielle: I grew up listening to Fleetwood Mac with my parents. I think Stevie Nicks is incredible. I also love female singer/songwriters like Ingrid Michaelson, Sara Bareilles, Regina Spektor. And my favorite artist of all time is Bon Iver. People with honest, relatable songs.
Mitchy: For me, anyone who can tell a story really. I'm a huge lyric guy, they're everything to me. People like Bruce Springsteen, Ryan Adams, Butch Walker, Ray Lamontagne, The Eagles, and I absolutely love The Lumineers.
What was the first album, cassette, or CD you bought with your own money?
Danielle: The first CD I bought was Millennium by the Backstreet Boys. I was 10. They were also my first concert. Someone gave us box seats and I remember Brian swung out over the audience on a wire and he was throwing tiny stuffed bears. I almost passed out.
Mitchy: The first cassette I ever bought... I'm dating myself. Hah. It was Green Day's Dookie. That album changed my life. I was in 4th grade.
What was the strangest gig you've ever played?
Danielle and Mitchy: One of our first shows as Oh Honey was last fall at a bar in Philly. The stage literally faced a wall and there was no room between the wall and stage for people to stand, so they had to awkwardly stand at the side of the stage. We literally played to a wall and about 15 people at the bar. Thankfully things have been a bit better for us since then!
What is your current favorite guilty pleasure?
Danielle: Locking myself in the hotel room and watching the new season of Orange Is The New Black for hours on end, which just premiered a few days ago. We did a holiday video with two of the girls so now that I know how Crazy Eyes and Taystee are in real life, I'm even more obsessed with the show.
Mitchy: My favorite guilty pleasure is definitely anything crime-related. Crime dramas like Law & Order, The Blacklist, CSI, Blue Bloods. Oh, and Nashville. I love that show. Hah.
If they named an ice cream flavor after you, what would be the name and why?
Danielle and Mitchy: Probably "Oh Honey We Shrunk The (Chocolate) Chips:: chocolate ice cream with honey caramel swirls and mini chocolate chips!
Final question: You're the opening act of a music festival. You can get any five artists, living or dead, to perform on the bill with you. Which five do you choose and what song do you all perform as the final jam?
Danielle and Mitchy: The 5 acts would be Bruce Springsteen, Bon Iver, Fleetwood Mac, Ryan Adams and definitely R Kelly. The final jam would probably be to "Mambo Number 5" by Lou Bega.
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[Photo Credit: Eric Mooney]