I set my DVR, made my family promise to call if bloodshed occurred, and ran down the street knowing I'd walked the right path.
Despite the still air of contemplation filling the venue when I arrived, the swelling crowd summoned some serious interest and plenty of energy for Nashville, Tennessee openers Kopecky Family Band. They managed to get a rousing singalong right after wowing everyone with the best rendition of Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk" that I've ever seen.
With the floor warmed up, Lissie took the stage and bounced from one well-crafted tune to another while the audience hung on her every sung word and each story told between songs.
What can I say about Lissie?
She is a wonder. There is none of the stodgy moroseness that surrounds so many singer-songwriters these days. Her songs are polished but still retain the rough catchy edges that make her so compelling to listen to. And her voice is strong, clear and absolutely gut-wrenching when it needs to be.
The set was heavy on old favorites and new material, both received with equal adoration by what appeared to be legions of fans on the floor, along with recent converts like myself.
So much of what's out there is smoke and mirrors these days, so do yourself a favor and catch this lovely songstress on tour. She will blow your mind.
Upcoming Tour Dates
11.27.13 Mr. Smalls Theatre MILLVALE, PA11.29.13 Park West CHICAGO, IL
11.30.13 Skyway Theatre MINNEAPOLIS, MN
12.02.13 Gothic Theatre DENVER, CO
12.03.13 Urban Lounge SALT LAKE CITY, UT
12.05.13 The Crocodile SEATTLE, WA
12.06.13 Wonder Ballroom PORTLAND, OR
12.07.13 The Independent SAN FRANCISCO, CA
12.09.13 The Fond Theatre LOS ANGELES, CA
12.11.13 House Of Blues SAN DIEGO, CA
12.12.13 The Observatory SANTA ANA, CA