I was 14 years old here. pic.twitter.com/fAMzQ3B1p7
— Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) June 16, 2013
@NikkiSixx @theRATTpack Gladiators; Nikki Leader Sixx & Ratt Patrol Leader SEP pic.twitter.com/saiII1B8Xp
— STEPHEN PEARCY (@StephenEPearcy) June 16, 2013
Bob Geldof & Bono on BBC World News about global poverty. I'm not sure what to think. Bono could buy Spain! Lol!
— boygeorge (@BoyGeorge) June 15, 2013
just lost 40 bucks in 3 minutes at blackjack. ugh....... off to soundcheck....
— Belinda Carlisle (@belindaofficial) June 15, 2013
Boy even Mozart doesn't 'grab me' anymore, dig? And Brahms, snoresville...
— Fred Schneider (@FredSchneider3) June 15, 2013
Some folks wake up and get the LA Times at their door. Me...I get lawsuits! Happy Saturday from the armpits of the world... paparazzi!! 📷🔫💰
— T O M M Y L E E (@MrTommyLand) June 15, 2013
Judy Tenuta and Downtown Julie Brown are lovely women. But the only people who ever confuse me with them are straight guys! Thank you gays!
— julie brown (@missjuliebrown) June 14, 2013
Tonight: I have given my children their spirit names. Smack Face and Punt Butt. Both are unconscious and asleep- can't really argue.
— Perry Farrell (@perryfarrell) June 14, 2013
Mammerz..!!!! I love you from your daddy,!! Found your twitter page,,,,, We gonna build you up,,,,, Go mammerz,!!!!!!!!! Daddy
— William J. Drayton (@FlavorFlav) June 14, 2013
— Debbie Gibson (@DebbieGibson) June 12, 2013
Sponge bob and Patrick just called me to thank we for saving their life... Just another day on the beach! :-)
— David Hasselhoff (@DavidHasselhoff) June 12, 2013
A White Rhino bull we encountered yesterday. We've seen 11 on this trip. Inspiring. But they're perilously near exti… say.ly/Lyl61IQ
— Slash (@Slash) June 12, 2013
Wouldn't it be interesting if NBA was winner take all from game 1? It's like a promoter withholding payment for a wack ass show.I'd dig it..
— Chuck D (@MrChuckD) June 12, 2013
SS shredding through the Rebel Yell solo, so I thought I'd help him out. #raygundeliveryservice… instagram.com/p/abmfYygXhf/
— Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) June 11, 2013
Glad I went to #MutterMuseumOfMedicalOddities Now I know what a colon looks like when u DIE of constipation! twitpic.com/cwps42 #Gross
— Jane Wiedlin (@janewiedlin) June 11, 2013
For all its myriad advantages, living in L.A. can spoil some things for me. Like summer. Wild fires aside, much like the rest ofthe year.
— Curtis Armstrong (@curtisisbooger) June 10, 2013
I just threw up in somebody else's mouth a little bit.#HotNewCatchphrase
— Al Yankovic (@alyankovic) June 10, 2013
Lately I've been having thoughts of retiring, immediately followed by thoughts of "yeah, but...from what?"
— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) June 10, 2013
I Won!! twitter.com/cyndilauper/st…
— Cyndi Lauper (@cyndilauper) June 10, 2013
#Trollfoot wit "Mouthpiece" say.ly/nsb60Jb
— Danny DeVito (@DannyDeVito) June 10, 2013