Song Of The Week: Sapient, "Shotgun In My Spaceship"
Album Of The Week: Leogun, Leogun EP

Consume Now: All four tracks, but "Let's Be Friends" and "End Of The World" rock the hardest.
TV Show Of The Week: LOLwork

Now I realize that the devil is in the editing and these people might not be portrayed onscreen the way they are in real life, but my two favorite people on the show are Sarah, who I think has a crush on fancy-haired Forest and may also be a real-life version of April Ludgate, and Will, who appears to be a misanthrope that not-so-secretly drives the rest of the staff crazy.
Here are some of Will's best lines from the debut episode:
- Sleeping is cute. Dead? Not cute.
- The less hair a cat has, the more likely you are to see its genitals.
- Dogs hump your leg. Do I have to give any other reason why cats are better?
- Oftentimes people tell me, "Wow. Your cat's like a dog." I tell them to shut up.
LOLwork airs on Bravo on Wednesdays at 11:00 PM and is repeated throughout the week.