Dufmanno: Seventeen seconds in and there is a little bit of a grindhouse vibe to this.
Archphoenix: That's funny because at the same time I was thinking "she's like an '80s Taylor Swift wannabe." So yeah, definitely grindhouse.
Chris: This Afterschool Special isn't going to end well.

Chris: Is that the teacher from The Wall? This definitely isn't going to end well.

Hillary: I have a very strong feeling that this guy and Miley Cyrus have the same hairdresser.

Archphoenix: Oh look, it's the less hot brother of the glasses nerd from the Hyper Crush video.
Dufmanno: The students in this school all appear to be in their mid-to-late 30s.
Chris: Where did they find this class? 1957? 1985?

Dufmanno: If you do this "heart" thing with your hands, I swear a thousand teenaged girls at the 9:30 Club will mimic you endlessly throughout the night. Trust me.

Hillary: Ya know, there always was that one guy in high school that managed to have a full beard at the ripe old age of seventeen.

Chris: Hug Often? Respect One Another? What the hell kind of class is this?
Hillary: Wait, I thought he didn't know where he was going. And now he's giving love lessons off the cuff? Props.

Hillary: Zombies! What a hip new concept! The kids will love this!
Archphoenix: "Thriller" homage! This does explain all the the fancy jackets our lead dude has been wearing; he wants to be like Mike!
Hillary: These zombies are actually rejects from a Walking Dead audition.

Archphoenix: That's no Vincent Price. But I'm still entertained.
Hillary: Before watching this music video, I had no idea how to love. But now I do. Thanks, Neon Trees!