If This Keeps Up, MTV Might Start Showing Music Videos Again

Unless you've been living under a rock, you're probably aware that MTV announced they won't be filming more episodes of Jersey Shore. But don't fret! Just wait another 10-20 years and it'll be back on again!

What makes me say that? MTV has been mining its archives the past few years. They created new episodes of Beavis And Butt-Head and also brought back 120 Minutes and House Of Style.

Thankfully, they're not the only ones looking to MTV's past for entertainment's future. Over the weekend, I discovered that one of the greatest shows to ever air on MTV is making a comeback on the web.

Folks... Sifl & Olly are back!

Seriously! Check out the promo below for Sifl & Olly Video Game Reviews. Apparently, they're going to be producing webisodes where they do video game reviews of fake video games.

Crescent fresh!

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