For this week's Ranked!, we decided to compile our favorite albums from 1981. Did your favorite make the cut? Did we get it right? Let us know in the comments!
Here are numbers 16-20:

20. Prince, Controversy
I had to listen to this album at a friend's house in secret because it was so shockingly dirty. And I loved it. This weirdly sexy guy with a freaky high voice was singing things like "Do Me Baby." Sexy, funky, and raw, this album was an eye opener for a young sheltered suburban girl.--Archphoenix
19. Adam And The Ants, Prince Charming
This was Adam's last album with the Ants before embarking on his successful solo career. While this wasn't the strongest output from the band, Prince Charming served as a serviceable bridge from Kings Of The Wild Frontier to Friend Or Foe and was responsible for Ant classics like the title track, "Stand and Deliver," and the infectious "Ant
18. Public Image Ltd., The Flowers Of Romance
Four words:Drums.

17. U2, October
Ask anyone when they became a U2 fan and you'll usually get impassioned responses ranging from "birth" to "as soon as I could form words," but I've always had a more practical approach to enjoying this band. I just don't get caught up in the hype. Truth be told, after the release of Boy, with its rough riff-laden tracks, I was expecting much more of the same from their sophomore effort, but October really was a departure. It was slower, more thoughtful, and big on the Latin, something I had a real understanding of at the time. Whenever I speak to truly rabid fans of the band, they always rank this record on the bottom of their best of lists and I wonder if it got a bum rap. True, it wasn't as fiery or in-your-face as much of their other work was but it had some poignant moments and a few foot tappers. U2 devotees are a tough lot. I will tell you that "Gloria" is clearly and unapologetically one of the most moving things I've ever heard them perform live and I think it's time October took its rightful place in the hierarchy of important releases.--Dufmanno