Last night, Crystal Fighters took the stage at the Rock & Roll Hotel with a list of songs and a grouping of traditional and non-traditional instruments that, in theory, should never have worked together. But the strength of their musical intuition and flat-out raw talent helped put it into practice in a way that left me a little speechless.
As they are widely regarded as one of the most promising acts of the last few years, I knew going in that their live performances are legendary. I was not, however, prepared for the refreshing and truly original interactive experience of a band throwing fire bolts of awesomeness, Zeuslike, from the stage and igniting the fuse of their already highly combustible fans in a way that caused the ecstatic frenzy that I saw last night. This was something absolutely original. Tribal drums, rare sounds, ukuleles, pure adrenaline: these guys have earned every bit of hype they've received.
People of the world, get thee to your local music establishment and make sure to catch these guys live. You know if I'm searching my musical thesaurus for words that don't exsist to describe the experience, it's probably something you need to see.