Key & Peele: Sketch Comedy Worth Checking Out

I'm always skeptical to watch new sketch comedy shows; sketch can be... well, sketchy at best. Comedy Central's new sketch show Key & Peele is surprisingly entertaining, mostly due to the charisma and energy of its two stars, Keegan Michael Key and Jordan Peel. I immediately recognized them as character actors, often guest starring on other comedy shows (Jordan Peele is fantastic on Childrens Hospital).

The sketches deal mostly with race issues, which can be complicated. Even though the purpose of the sketches is to satirize racial stereotypes, one can't help but be worried that some people will take them at face value and laugh at them, not with them. Dave Chappelle was able to create great comedy that had underlying commentary. Here's hoping Key and Peele find that same success. I mean, it's not easy to make a sketch about a slave auction be funny.

Key & Peele


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