Snatches Of Pink were Chapel Hill's only true rock stars. While Chapel Hill may have produced bigger bands, no one embodied rock 'n' roll like Snatches Of Pink. Yesterday, I discovered that SOP front man Michael Rank had started a new band (Michael Rank And Stag) and to celebrate had posted most of Snatches Of Pink's back catalog on Bandcamp. For free.
So get ready to rock on the cheap.
Send In The Clowns
I hadn't listened to the band's first album, Send In The Clowns, for years. Why? It was only released on tape and vinyl and my tape had long since warped. So I've been listening to this pretty much all night long.Favorite tracks: "Time Done Gone," "Cowboys And Injuns," and "Clementine."
Dead Men
Dead Men was the band's second and greatest album. This was supposed to be the launching pad to the stardom that never panned out. It did land them a record deal, though.Favorite tracks: All of them, really. But if I can only choose three: "Sleeping Dogs," "Midway," and my favorite SOP song of all time, "Witch Dance."
Deader Than You'll Ever Be
They totally released this without my knowledge. It wasn't until two years later when I was working at the college radio station that I discovered this live album while thumbing through the stacks. I played it on my show any chance I got after that.Favorite tracks: The covers of Bob Dylan's "Odds & Ends" and Neil Young's "Keep On Rockin' In The Free World."
In addition to those three albums, you can also get free downloads of Hyena, Stag, Love Is Dead, and Rank's solo disc, Coral. Sadly missing: Bent With Pray and the two albums the band recorded as Clarissa, Silver and Blood And Commons.
If you download any of the albums, come back and let us know what you think of them!