Not many people are aware of how crippling an autoimmune disorder can be. Actually, a lot of people just don't know about autoimmune disorders in general but they affect 20% of the population. This organization aims to increase education, public awareness, and research for the over 100 autoimmune disorders affecting people every day. I bet you know someone with an autoimmune disorder, too.
Recommended By: The Weirdgirl

On a personal level, this is a lovely group of people that I work with in northern California. They're small but mighty, and right now they have a Secret Santa who's matching donations dollar for dollar until they hit $10,000. A few bucks goes a long, long way for them to produce thought-provoking, quality live theatre. Dragon is working to support emerging playwrights, directors, actors, and designers. Everyone in the arts needs help getting started, and most people in the industry don't do it for the money because theater people are rarely paid what they're worth. They do it for the sheer joy of telling stories that matter. In this economy, arts organizations are hurting for funds, why not lend a hand to something that feeds the soul this holiday season? Also, they have a purple dragon as their mascot, and that's pretty rad.
Recommended By: Archphoenix

The artist says about the piece: "This was inspired by all wars in the world and people's indifference for all bad things. And also it was inspired by the lyrics of the Project Pitchfork song 'Vietnam.'"
The work by Milda Bandazaite is one of many you'll see in the book Drawing Autism. The volume is stuffed full of heartbreakingly amazing works by over fifty international contributors, each of whom is autistic. Part of its proceeds go to fund programs that support art and autism.
Recommended By: Jett Superior

The Lost & Loveless clothing line wants to tie all of their offerings to various charities and fundraisers, but they have a special concern for disadvantaged youth. Know that every time you buy a pretty cool tee you're also spreading the word about positive change. Fashion has never been sweeter.
Recommended By: The Weirdgirl

So the thing I like about Modest Needs is that they serve the segment of the populace that is often overlooked: The hardworking Joe who doesn't really qualify for mast assistance, but rides the economic line and is one paycheck away from his whole life spinning off its orbit. I've watched this organization from its very beginning, and have loved the premise just as long: Small, one-time grants --I've seen them run anywhere from fifty bucks to a thousand-- to help someone out of a tight so that they can keep making things happen for themselves. They have a four-star rating on Charity Navigator, which is also cool, and vet the applicants carefully before they share their stories with the donor community. I challenge you to go read an individual grant request from their list of many and not be moved to help.....regularly. Sometimes it really is a matter of just twenty or thirty bucks saving someone's life or livelihood. That is incredible.
Recommended By: Jett Superior

Joplin, MO was devastated by a tornado earlier this year. And when I say devastated I mean it was almost wiped off the map. A bunch of St. Louis indie musicians got together and donated songs to help raise money for the nearby town. This is volume 2 because the outpouring of support by artists in the area was so great. Chip in a few bucks to help the town and you get some pretty good indie music out of the deal.
Recommended By: Archphoenix

This organization recruits recent college grads to teach in low-income schools, injecting energy, new ideas, and excellent education for kids who don't get the same resources as better-funded areas. I really love what this organization is attempting because it touches lives at multiple levels: addressing poverty and education, providing role models for kids, and recruiting people into the teaching profession. They are fundamentally trying to change the dynamic of our education system for the better, and I think that's a really cool thing.
Recommended By: The Weirdgirl