Some of the things I remember that my kids have NO IDEA what I'm talking about:
Turning the dial on the TV to get different channels.
- Recording TV shows on a cassette recorder so I could at least hear the audio of the show when I had to miss it.
- Actually using my hand to roll down the window in the car.
- Sitting in the back of a station wagon facing backwards. "Hi jerk in the car behind us!"
- Being enough of a teacher's pet to be allowed to go to the office and make mimeographs. Mmmm. Loved that smell.
- Taking a nap in the van and actually laying down.
- Typewriters.
- Floppy disks.
- Needing to find a phone booth to look up an address or make a call.
- Rollerskating rinks.
- Using car ashtrays as change holders (since my parents didn't smoke).
- Having a lighter in my 1982 Mazda RX7. Saweeeet, ride baby!
- Cigarette ads.
- Being asked "Smoking" or "Non-Smoking." (It's been banned in public places here for a while.)
- You know where you were and what you were doing when you heard the Challenger exploded.
- You sang "The Greatest Love of All," probably in chorus class.
- You watched Annie several million times. (Probably more so if you are female.)
- You had your choice of red, black, or white Zips.
- Your parents had no idea where you were in the summertime and didn't really worry about it. You always showed up at home at dusk or shortly thereafter.
- McDonald's Playland was super lame but you still thought it was the most awesome thing in the entire world... especially if you could climb in the hamburger cage.