New Music Releases: Duran Duran, Green Day, And Soundgarden

Here are this week's new releases by '80s and early '90s artists. We've compiled this list to the best of our abilities.

Artist: Duran Duran
Title: All You Need Is Now
Release date: March 22, 2011
Rebirth or Reissue: Reissue
More information: Same thing as the December iTunes release, but with five additional tracks.

Artist: Green Day
Title: Awesome As F**k
Release date: March 22, 2011
Rebirth or Reissue: Rebirth
More information: Seventeen live tracks.

Artist: Soundgarden
Title: Live On I-5
Release date: March 22, 2011
Rebirth or Reissue: Rebirth
More information: Seventeen live tracks. I'm assuming they differ from Green Day's seventeen live tracks.

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