Bring It On: The Musical: Because Everything Needs To Be a Musical Now

For my Hellcats friends, the original cheerleader epic, Bring It On, has received the stage musical treatment and might be coming to a city near you. Seriously.
In Bring It On: The Musical, the high stakes world of competitive cheerleading is intertwined with cutthroat high school politics to tell the story of Campbell, the heir apparent to the head cheerleader at Truman High School. Campbell is at the top of the cheerleader pyramid and she has it all -- a strong squad, a doting boyfriend, and a straight path to the national championships. Her entire life has been dedicated to honing routines and staying within the strict rules and guidelines, but when a surprise letter arrives, Campbell's world is thrown upside down.
It's not just Hollywood that's running out of ideas, y'all. I will confess, I friggin' love the movie. It's funny and insanely quotable. Follow me or perish, sweater monkeys! But a stage show? No thanks. I'll stick to Rock Of Ages. At least it's an original story.

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