Friends, '80s Style

Hi, I'm Heather and I'm considering committing a heinous act.

I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I think I want to introduce my 8-year-old daughter to the concept of friendship pins. Of course a comeback of friendship pins warrants a comeback of painted white canvas shoes like Keds, but my parents never bought Keds for me to deface. Wise, wise parents. The canvas shoes need to be the lace-up style, but you can't wear the laces, just in case you forgot the "rules."

When I think of the friendship pins my friends and I traded, I feel all warm and fuzzy. It was a sort of craft project that took seconds to make and could make someone happy just as quickly.

How could I not want to share the love with my daughter's generation? All you need are a few tiny beads and a few small safety pins. Fun and cost effective!


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