I'm in the sixth grade, it's early in the morning in the dead of winter, and our two-hundred-year-old farm house though outwardly charming and quaint, is lacking in all things modern and necessary.
Things like heat and hot water are rare and fleeting occurrences so it is with stealth and urgency that after a half hour or so of frantic wrestling under my electric blanket that I am able to pull on my jumper and peter pan collar shirt without losing any body parts to frostbite.
As my head emerges I hear a warm and familiar voice broadcasting over the radio waves of New York's WNEW about to debut a new song from that guy who used to sing for Genesis. What's his name again? Oh yeah, flower petal guy! Peter Gabriel!
I couldn't be more stunned if the guy were jumping up and down on my bed with those crazy pre-Pixar lifelike lamps bobbing and weaving to the beat of this song.
The entire day passes and the music won't leave my brain.
I know we've paid homage to Mr. Gabriel here before, but this song was a game changer in my life. It was so new and raw. I'd never heard anything like it in my years and it still stands up well today.