OK Go is the go-to band for hooky, white-boy pop, and I don't begrudge them that -- even though the first time I heard one of their songs was during a JC Penny commercial.
Judge them if you will, but you know you thought that treadmill video for "Here It Goes Again" was cool. And the song was catchy.
Every video OK Go creates is basically an endurance test for the band. (Check out their Rube Goldberg production for "This Too Shall Pass," or their time-lapse dance marathon for "End Love.") They love to create intricate scenarios that require one loooooooong shot. We're always impressed and left wondering, "How the hell did they do that and how many attempts did it take?" Word on the Interwebz for "White Knuckles" is that the guys (and dogs) nailed it on Take #74. I scrutinized it to find an edit spot, or evidence of some kind of computer enhancement. As far as I can tell, they're clean.
The song itself is pretty groovy. When I first heard it, I couldn’t quite figure out why it was so familiar, and then it hit me: they're actually channeling a little Prince here. "White Knuckles" could pass for "I Would Die 4 U," if you slowed the latter down and dialed back the funk levels.
My proclamation for "White Knuckles?" The video: full-on awesome, with bonus points for puppy performance. The song: moderately cool, but probably only has a three-month shelf life.