Get Your Free Samples!

When I lived in the mid-west I had a membership to Sam's Club. One Sunday I swung by to pick up some candy and drinks to re-stock a local theatre company's concessions stand and found out that Sundays are free samples day. Almost every aisle had a lady with a table of free food or drink. And I didn't know until then that some area families made it a tradition to go to Sunday mass, and then hit up the Sam's for the free lunch buffet. It was kind of hilarious to see families in their Sunday best wandering up and down the massive aisles scoping out the offerings on toothpicks.

But who doesn't love free stuff, right? So what's my point? Free stuff. I was surfing the net and ran into two free musical samplers for two summer music festivals that I'm bummed I missed.

Sarah McLachlan's Lilith Fair has a 15 artist sampler available via iTunes. Here's the track listing and download information.

Outside Lands is a pretty new, and pretty nifty San Francisco festival held in Golden Gate Park. They've got a 10 artist sampler available via iTunes. Here's the track listing and download information.

With as much as I spend on iTunes, it's always nice to get something free.

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