Prince, who once delivered the most depressing newscast ever in the song "Sign O' The Times," is looking to change all that. At least overseas.
In July of 2007, Prince gave away copies of his Planet Earth CD in copies of Mail On Sunday, a London-based newspaper. This was the first place that fans could obtain Planet Earth. (This was nearly three months before Radiohead's giveaway of In Rainbows, but no one remembers this.)
Prince is set to give it another shot: on July 10th, the first place you'll be able to get his 20Ten CD will be in the Belgium newspaper, Het Nieuwsblad. Fans in Germany will be able to snag a free copy on July 22nd in Rolling Stone magazine (which, I'm told, doesn't alternative covers between The Scorpions, Kraftwerk, KMFDM, Rammstein, and Falco).
Think he'll follow suit with something in the US? I hope so. You can purchase his last album, the 3-CD LotusFlow3r, for $4.99 at Target, so he's practically giving it away for free anyway.
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